Female Butchers

Fiona_Profile_PicThere aren’t that many of us in Ireland.  We are a rarity unlike our male companions. My grandfather and father were butchers, so I was raised with butchering being a part of our daily lives. And this is how, it seems, most female butchers in Ireland have gotten into this trade, which is very male dominated.

Even in the USA, female butchers aren’t very numerous. However, they are now becoming more commonplace as butchering is becoming more “fashionable” and “trendy”. Lawyers, accountants and other professionals who are weary of their professional careers have moved to learning the skills of butchering and are thriving.

For example Fleishers and The Meat Hook in Brooklyn, New York, were all working in other professions before moving successfully into butchering, with female apprentice butchers now being commonplace in their stores. Lindy and Grundy were two female butchers who set up a store in Los Angeles a few years ago. However, they have since closed that store. The only other qualified female butcher in Ireland (as far as I am aware!) is Una O’Dwyer in Cashel, County Tipperary.  Again, like me, her father was a butcher and she grew up with the trade. Gosh, I could write forever on this subject. However, I won’t!

The great news is that we have a female apprentice butcher now in our Dooradoyle store. Joanne is loving the trade and hoping to become fully qualified in time. I sincerely hope more females become interested in the trade in the future.

C’mon ladies, are you interested?!
